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The Duel 2008

The title "The Duel" might lead one to think of a battle, with booming sounds, harsh melody and solemn mood.But, in this case, that is not what the title represents at all.

This is a piano driven session with two additional voices, strings and organ.The tempo varies through the piece, along with changes in the dominant voice.The mood varies from slightly serious to upbeat and hopeful.

The image that comes to my mind when listening to this session, is not one of a struggle with changes and differences, but merely the co-existence of different feelings, attitudes, etc.Life is a mixture of joy and sadness, good health and sickness, darkness and light, times of difficulty and times of ease, times of prosperity and times of need.But, entwined with it all, is hopefulness.

Below is a short clip from The Duel.Listening to this session, an entirely different image may be evoked in you.That is one of the marvelous things about music – it can be listened to in different ways, different settings, intently or in the background.The images, feelings, memories that music evokes is different in each person.

Check out the Music2Work2 website for the composer’s thoughts on The Duel and additional information as to how you can experience the complete session.


When the session "Arrival" begins, the tempo is very slow. The strings seem to say that something is about to happen - something of great importance, something sacred. There is a feeling of anticipation; the strings seem to me to almost beckon you to come and join in. About a third of the way into the session, the piano is introduced and eventually replaces the strings. The tempo of the piano becomes faster and you are aware that this important event is also a joyful one.

This beautiful piece of music was composed by Andrew for his sister's wedding. So, the event was indeed an important and happy occasion. What a wonderful gift to be given for such a memorable time in ones life - a gift composed out of a brother's love, especially for two important people.

Here is just a sample of Arrival. You can read Andrew's own commentary on this session and purchase the entire 17 minute 50 second session through Music2Work2.


Listen to a short clip of Music2Work2’s session Sexercise (aka Ex Er Cise).

This session was composed for an all-women’s workshop on releasing sexual energy. It is rhythmic, slow, with an ethereal sound to it. The piano and strings seem to float together.

This session evokes for me a sense of exploring, growing and stretching, which could be in any aspect of life. The picture that comes to my mind is of an awakening, an unfolding, similar to the way the petals of a flower unfold. Truly exploring any dimension of ones self would need to be done slowly, one layer at a time, until full awareness or awakening is achieved.

This is a lovely piece of music, lasting about 30 minutes. Words I would use to describe it are calming, soothing, sensual and beautiful. The full session can be purchased through the Music2Work2 website.