Awesome Disclaimer
What we are not saying
Let's be really clear here.
We are not saying that if you buy this music, your whole world will change, work will become a breeze, you'll get promoted, lose 20 pounds and become Secretary General of the UN (although it could happen!)
This website has no idea on how you should live your life nor does it make the claim that what is good for us may necessarily be good for you.
What we are saying
Here's some original music, have a listen.
We like having this on in the background when we are doing things, you might enjoy listening to it that way too.
There are lots of comments from people on YouTube who find it helps them to focus, work, write a paper, an essay, whatever.
We make no guarantee that our or their experiences will be replicated by you but we hope that they will, in fact we're kind of counting on it, but as of August 2016, we have no "official" research about our specific music.
Because of our interest in this area, we actively curate a page on how music can have a positive effect on your existence as a human being - and it seems that we were right - music is awesome for you. Still, it doesn't mean that our music is going to change your life - but the research does reinforce our belief so we're going to double down on this
Do the reading yourself
We spent a lot of time researching the concept of music2work2.
Andrew's final year research project for his psychology degree studied the effects of sound on human performance. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests that having music around is good for you, which is one of the reasons we were inspired to build this website.
Why Creative Flow?
music2work2 comes from a state of creative flow - there's no manuscript or set outline. Often time the performance will start with an idea - a couple of chords - other times it just goes with the flow!
We believe that creativity is catching, that being in a creative space helps boost your own creativity.
If you're looking to help your creative flow, being surrounded by something that comes from that space would kinda make
Why music2work2?
Because everybody works at something; could be their day job, their relationship, their disposition, their talent - work is everywhere and this is good stuff to have on when you're doing it!
As for the "2" thing, we're looking to build an identifiable brand and we liked the look of the 2 better than "to."
Contact Us
- Use this contact form
- Send an email to: info[at]
- Write to:
P.O.Box 372043
Reseda, CA 91337-2043
Peace out...
Andrew & Charlotte
Los Angeles, CA August, 2016
Oh and now that you know we're straight up people - you should probably get the new music email...