The art and science of whispering

I'm personally very familiar with the tingling sensation that ASMR describes - having experienced it a lot as a kid, so I was blown away to find a burgeoning online community.  This is a great introduction to the ASMR world with different perspectives from a physiologist to a neuroscientist to a therapist.  I think there are a lot of parallels between the effect that ASMR has on the body and what music to work to can do.

The Many Health Benefits of Music on The Brain - Daily Health Post

Nice little primer article into how music is good for you - some good links out to studies and a groovy little info graphic at the end.  one to share with the doubting Thomas' in your life!

The Undercover Soundtrack - Alice Degan

This is a really interesting look into how an author sets up a playlist to help her reach the place where she can fall into her characters.  The bit that resonates deeply with me is the whole ritual aspect and the identification of a track as an entry point into the act of writing.

Also I'm a huge Thomas Tallis fan and Vaughan William's Fantasia is now on my working playlist!

#musictoworkto #musictowriteto #ASMR

Written while listening to: Fibonacci Series Playlist