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61-808 - 9 minutes 49 seconds

Piano, Strings and an 808 heart beat


$1.99 Download Now


I hope everybody had a great holiday – I certainly did.  I suspect I’m like many of you in that I use Christmas and New Year as a release valve after the pressure of the year.  Two weeks of relaxing, hanging out with family and friends and drinking and eating far too much – I love it!

2009 was a particularly challenging year and yet looking back – music2work2 made giant strides forward.  We completely re-designed the website, changed the logo, moved to a new recording platform and a new keyboard, distributed to iTunes and Amazon MP3 stores, wrote the score to a unique animated movie and sent out our first newsletter.  Not bad on reflection.

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this New Year – I’m going back to school next week to learn how to use the Topspin marketing platform – this will make it much easier for people to listen to and easily share music2work2.  I haven’t taken a class in 20 years – should be fun

This track was inspired by a chance encounter with a Techno gear head masquerading as a University professor – it was a great evening which resulted in us working up a piece built around a Roland 808 and an old Juno 60 – you can listen to the audioboo clip here.  Craig’s working on it for now and when he’s done I’ll add a piano track – I think it might be kinda cool.

Writers & Writing Playlist

2008 - Part 1

Reflecting a move away from other people and focusing more on what was happening to me, this album introduces beat tracks from the Korg Triton for the first time. Weekend Working and Frustration are classic piano and strings track, 113 and Amp Driven are multilayered tracks with a number of different beats.

Click on the track title for liner notes, longer streams and 5 minute sample mp3s.

Weekend Working (15:22)[audio:weekendwork2.5.mp3| titles=113 |artists=music2work2]
113 (17:43)[audio:1132.5.mp3| titles=113 |artists=music2work2]
Frustration (10:04)[audio:music2work2_frustration2.5.mp3| titles=Frustration |artists=music2work2]
Amp Driven (13:30) [audio:ampdriven25.mp3| titles=Amp Driven |artists=music2work2]

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music2work2 - 2008 part 1 at CD baby

---------------- Now playing: music2work2 - 2008 Part 1 via music2work2

2007 - People 2

Continuing the development around individual personalities - it's ironic that this album starts with a track called Identification.

Identification is a very chilled out string heavy piece, Lally and Emma's Numbers are both solo piano developments and Irene and Marsha both have additional voicings.

Click on the track title for liner notes, longer streams and 5 minute sample mp3s.

Identification (14:13)[audio:id2.5.mp3 | titles=Identification|artists=music2work2]
Lally (15:21)[audio:lallydev2.5.mp3 | titles=Lally |artists=music2work2]
Emma's Numbers (14:30)[audio:emmasnumbers2.5.mp3 | titles=Emma's Numbers |artists=music2work2]
Irene (13:49)[audio:irene2.5.mp3 | titles=Irene |artists=music2work2]
Marsha (18:56)[audio:marsha2.5.mp3 | titles=Marsha |artists=music2work2]

music2work2 - People 2, 2007  - on iTunes   music2work2 - People 2, 2007 - on Amazon   music2work2 - People 2, 2007 at CD baby

---------------- Now playing: music2work2 - Irene via FoxyTunes