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November - 15 minutes 14 seconds

Strings, Electric Pianos, Bass lines and more.


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Written in November 2005 – this track has a lot going on: piano, two string tracks, electric piano and bass. I remember learning a lot about my own composition style at the time and being very conflicted.

My natural approach to music2work2 is to just sit and play; Sexercise aside – I always start with the piano track and aim to leave room for any subsequent voices. I have an idea when I’m playing the first track what the other parts could be but I never really know until I’m playing them. This approach is of course anathema to the trained composer so I spent 2005 worrying about form and attempting to define structure and parts in advance.

I began developing themes in the traditional way: 1A, 2A, 1B, 2B etc – and played with various different forms –the end result – to my ears anyway – was lifeless. Oh sure – every part made sense, the music stood as a finite recognizable piece – but – it had no soul. It was a very frustrating time.

This track was the first time that year where I just sat at the keyboard and recorded what came into my head – no structure, no worrying about where I was supposed to go and how every part was going to work – the minute I finished one track I changed voices and immediately recorded the next, right on top. It has a flow that had been missing all year and I was mightily relieved when I went back to listen to it. Coming in at 5:10 is an early development of “Andy the Barman,” it’s a good story and will be told when the theme is ready.

If you like the track you can share it across your Networks – just click share on the right of the player.

November is part of The Thinker's Playlist.

113 - 17 Minutes 43 Seconds

Session built around three different beats all at 113 beats per minute - love the "Teenage Poetry" voice from the Triton Extreme[audio:1132.5.mp3| titles=113 |artists=music2work2]

I like to have this on and just dream, come up with new stuff - if I'm tackling a particular problem this helps me work through it.

Problem solving is one of the things that fascinates me - the idea of how do you do something if you have never done it before. The idea that as kids we are taught basic tools and techniques and then we string those together, build on them, to develop even more complex techniques which we can apply to new situations etc. What I get excited about is true innovation - that moment when you make a little leap into the unknown and come up with something truly new and unique - that is what this music is for.

music2work2 - 2008 Part 1 at CD baby


Heath - 27 Minutes 59 Seconds

Classic music2work2 - pianos, strings, alternating time signatures and themes - oh, and it's long.

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2007 was the year that music2work2 really started to take shape. I was working with a Korg Triton and my recording and mixing chops were getting better. New gear is funny - there is just something about sitting down at a new toy and playing with it - experimenting with what sounds good and what doesn't. As usual the piano track was played first and then subsequent voices recorded on top - you can hear strings, electric pianos and even some funky frequencies as I got deeper into wave forms - Ooooh!

There are a number of different themes going on in this piece - Heath was a guy I met through the Kelli gig - he was a freelance template developer who also happened to be a musician. We collaborated on a couple of things musically but the tech work would get in the way. I learned a lot from Heath including how to manipulate photoshop and how to freestyle on beat tracks - it was fun while it lasted but we eventually went our separate ways.

There's a theme that comes in around 17 minutes - it's called "Andy The Barman" and is a theme that I have promised myself I will develop further. It reflects a particularly bizarre time of my life when I was indeed working a bar in London - strange times but all good grist for the creative mill.

If you like the track you can share it across your Networks – just click share on the right of the player.

Heath is part of The Reader’s Playlist.