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Daily Snapshot

Burger, fries and a download

According to Digital Music News' Daily Snapshot, November 13, 2007, it seems that the question at Wendy's will no longer be "do you want fries with that?" but rather "want a Rhapsody download with that?" Participating Wendys will begin giving a code that opens access to the Rhapsody collection for free downloads with the purchase of medium and large-sized combo meals. According to Ian Rowden, chief marketing officer at Rhapsody, the purpose is to "connect with consumers on more occasions through the things they feel passionate about." I can't think of any two things human beings feel more passionate about than food (fast food, in particular) and music.

As music2work2 grows and ventures out into other life activities for which music can be beneficial, perhaps we should think about "music2munch2?"

It's the music that is important.......

Digital Music News Daily Snapshot reports that Nielson Media Research revealed “iPod owners spend a relatively small amount of time viewing downloaded videos.” These results are understandable considering the “multitasking” of individuals today. It is the music, Nielsen concludes, that is the most important component for most iPod buyers, even the iPods with video capabilities.

These results are reassuring for They are consistent with the thinking of music2work2 and reaffirm the premise on which it is based. Individuals at work and play spend so much time during which focused attention to action on a screen is impractical. But, background music, which does not require focused attention, makes the task more pleasant, enables concentration on what is necessary, or prevents boredom while performing repetitive tasks. Looks like music2work2 is right on the mark!