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The big lesson I am learning this year (again!) is the whole:

 "listening as much, if not more, than I play." 


I don't use pen and paper to compose - I sit at the piano and play whatever comes into my mind.  I record everything and listen to it later when I'm working on Simply Friday.

When I have development tracks on in the background, I'm listening for ideas, for themes, for things that resonate with me.  If a piece of music grabs me, the next time I sit at the piano, I hold the idea of that music in the front of my mind and set an intention to play with it.

Listening Again

Once I've narrowed in on a theme, the more I play it, the more it becomes familiar to me.  The more I listen the more its form becomes apparent and over time the full track begins to take shape.

Of course, once I've produced a version of the final track, it then needs to be listened to again and again to smooth out the mix and get it ready for publishing.

191 Beats Per minute Playlist

This is the second track in the 191 Bpm playlist and is markedly different from the first theme.  I'm in love with the simple C to F7 to Dm7 to G7 progression that appears in the second half.  

The third and final theme has already popped out (thankfully!) so it shouldn't be too long before we have a new track and a new playlist! 

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