Music to Grieve to - Acceptance #1

Music to Grieve to - Acceptance #1

So it's all starting to make sense now - in terms of the bigger Album picture.  These two themes seem to work very well together - they're both my Dad - the first is based on a hymn - the second comes from the emotion after his death.

It's his birthday on the 6th - I'll be thinking of him a lot.

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Music to create to - 113 BPM  - 2nd Development

Music to create to - 113 BPM - 2nd Development

There's a huge amount going on behind the scenes - new logo - new catalog - new approach to how we get the music out.  We'll be adding a streaming session in the afternoons and playing with Facebook live streams - might be kinda cool.

This is last year's C Major theme that is coming along nicely - still need to get to grips with it this year but it's sounding pretty good.

Click through to listen to this morning's development...

Sadness - Development

Sadness - Development

This isn't really about Bowser - that photo just seemed appropriate at the time.

I like this - it's only the third time I've played this year and it's all that's coming out.

It's difficult.