Theme II Development | 1103

Theme II Development | 1103


There's definitely a core theme here - and a nice walk down melody - but I think this one's going to be all about the strings - hell - it doesn't even have a name.  Also - as I think I noticed before - it needs a fourth theme and the tempo is weird..

Apart from that - it's great!


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- Use music to regulate your mood
- music2work2 will calm your mind & help you focus


The Bench | 1102

The Bench | 1102


Having finalized Breathe over the weekend - it's time to get back to the other tracks.

I'd like to Publish both The Bench and Norma's Theme before we leave for Spain at the end of the month.  We'll see!

I do love the comment on this track  "Are you learning Piano now?" - and of course the answer is - Yes!  I'm always learning piano ;-p

Be More Effective At Work

- Use music to regulate your mood
- music2work2 will calm your mind & help you focus


My Codependent Relationship With Coffee

My Codependent Relationship With Coffee

Three days ago I decided to say adios to my soulmate, coffee. Not forever, no I’m not that strong (or stupid?). Rather, it’s just something I am trying out for a week and then I will evaluate whether or not we should break up for good. Unfortunately, our love affair has reached a codependent status. For years, I have convinced myself that I’d be unable to function without my morning cup of 100% arabica drip coffee. Boy was I wrong.