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Music to Descend in an Airplane

Can't believe it's been so long since we posted on here - amazing how time flies when you're building something!

Now that the first album is out and the associated marketing plan is in place - it's time to refresh and draw on some new music.  I'd been playing with an idea about Music to Descend in an Airplane for a while - actually had a track that I released a few years back but it never really took off (pun totally intended!)

This will be a playlist of 4 tracks - each using the same piano base but with steadily increasing instruments - Cello, Viola, Violins until we have the full piece.  The piano track will be released next week but here's a clip from one of the early Cello passes - I like it!

Drafting 2/5 - Music to Write to

Drafting is the second step of the 5 part writing process - it's where you take the ideas and information generated in the previous prewriting stage and get them down. Again, we're not worried about perfection, we're just concerned with what these ideas look and feel like.

Having identified a working theme based around a 4 chord structure - B minor, D major, E minor A major - this piece plays with that outline and looks at some of the internal relationships. The first half focuses on tone while the second half plays with the progression.

The third step in the process is revising and this week will be spent tightening up the different themes and flavors.

Image Credit: Creative Flow by Ian Hayhurst on Flickr

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Drafting 2/5 - Music to Write to

Drafting is the second step of the 5 part writing process - it's where you take the ideas and information generated in the previous prewriting stage and get them down. Again, we're not worried about perfection, we're just concerned with what these ideas look and feel like.

Having identified a working theme based around a 4 chord structure - B minor, D major, E minor A major - this piece plays with that outline and looks at some of the internal relationships. The first half focuses on tone while the second half plays with the progression.

The third step in the process is revising and this week will be spent tightening up the different themes and flavors.

Image Credit: Creative Flow by Ian Hayhurst on Flickr

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