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The Things You Find In Your Tush

I just found an old development track from 2003 – for the last 18 months it’s been sitting in my iTunes library labeled as Tush by ZZ Top – along with 270 other tracks – thank you iDump!

[audio:03found.mp3 | titles=2003 Development Track|artists=music2work2]

I remember working on this track - it was before I had begun to develop the idea of music2work2 and I was just busy at the keyboard; playing, writing, recording.  I wasn’t concerned with form - I was more interested in how I could write different tracks on top of the other and I would play for as long as possible to give myself enough “runway” to eventually get it right.

I’d set a click and then play the piano track – not really thinking - just playing whatever came into my head.  I’d then immediately open another track and play a string pass on top of the piano track, then another string pass and finally a melody track – in this case an electric piano.  The mix is pretty grim and I’ve lost the original individual wave files so I can’t really fix it – bummer!  I did mess with it a little before posting, which is where the image comes from.

I recognize a few of the themes in here – they went on to be developed into early tracks like 1218 and The Duel – I did eventually learn to back off the EP a bit but listening to it now – I’m kinda digging the use of the wheel bends – might have to incorporate that in something new.  For now –I'm going to see what other gems I can find in my Tush.