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This has been a sad day. My friend and partner in music2work2 has lost Lola, one of his dogs. She had an illness from which she could not recover. She was a sweet, loving little dog. I know she was a source of joy for her family and they loved her very much. Caring about people, having friends, means that when they are hurting, you hurt also. It is a helpless feeling to watch friends in pain from a loss, knowing that no words or acts can make the hurt go away. You just hope that their knowing that you care about them and share their pain will somehow help a little.

When I lost my dog, Cassie, about 6 months ago, Andrew gave me the wonderful gift of a piece of music written just for her. I don't have the ability to do anything like that for him; I can only send him and his family love and wishes for comfort and strength during this time of loss.

Pets are family members

This seems to have been the week for pets getting ill. Lola, Andrew's dog, Kelli's cat (of Kelli and the Shadowmen) and my dog, Doogan have all been sick. It is so hard when a pet is ill - you feel so helpless because they can't tell you what is wrong. For so many people, their pets are members of the family. And when a family member hurts, you hurt also. I have been sending good thoughts, healing thoughts, across the country to California all day. So, I just want to wish all the sick pets speedy recoveries and good health soon. Hopefully next week will be a healthier one for our much loved, four-legged family members.