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LA Times

Music - it works!

A recent article in the LA Times entitled “Beethoven and a Barcalounger” talks about the change in the understanding and use of classical music. The Musical Heritage Society is apparently marketing a CD of Mozart’s music as “the perfect relaxing music.” The writer of this article, as probably many classical music aficionados, was somewhat disturbed at classical music being considered “relaxing” or “soothing.” He does admit that music is heard in different ways by different people and not always heard the same each time one listens to a piece. I find that to be true when I listen to music2work2 sessions - as music in the background when I am involved in some task, or listening intently and focusing on the music, the rhythm and tones.

music2work2 sessions fit into the classical genre, but also in other categories as well. They are wonderful background music to help you concentrate on a task; they are soothing and relaxing; they are joyful and motivating. Music, classical and other types, is helpful – it makes people happy, it makes them feel good, it benefits human beings in an endless number of ways. That is the premise on which music2work2 is based and it appears that this recognition is rapidly spreading.