So I'm starting to stretch out with this now - I'm digging the minor variation as the opening to the piece and how it transitions to the more familiar major theme, I also like how the tempo can deliver a delicate beginning and yet finish in a fairly triumphant manner - definitely getting there.
[audio:71-gv6.mp3| titles= New York Jets 71 bpm Development|artists=music2work2 ]
This piece is ultimately going to be on a music2work2 Bloggers playlist. At the moment I am writing every day for different projects and I find it useful to have music that I associate with writing - it cues my mind into the act of writing and sets me up to focus on my subject. The format and structure of the piece is designed to facilitate the process - nice and calming to start with and growing with intensity as it gets into a groove. Often for me the hardest part of writing is actually starting, so having something that helps me chill out and relax into it is a great help.
I have had someone in mind while I've been developing this piece and I think they will dig it when it's done. The idea is to take something recognizable and inspirational to them so that they will want to put it on - and in doing so - will help them create - that's the plan anyway!
I've been accompanying this theme development with images by Ed Yourdon from a Jets pre-season game last year. I've been studiously not going for the gratuitous cheerleader shot - but apparently, they are by far the most popular photos in the set - so who am I to go against the wishes of the public - so - as I'm kinda stoked about today's piece - here's some beautiful women for you - thanks Ed!
Image Credit: Ed Yourdon - Flickr