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Helping a Family in Croatia

One of the great things about the Creative Commons license that we use on music2work2, is that it enables other media creators to easily use our music in their projects. Last week we got a request from a Croatian channel asking if they could use the music from Irene to highlight the problems that a local family are facing after their house burned down last year.

If like us you don't speak or read Croatian, the family in the video lost everything in a terrible fire more than a year ago. They were put into an absolute ruin of a house without flowing water and just one room that is safe from collapse and that can be heated. Apparently they have been forgotten by social services in Croatia so a number of independent artists have got together to raise awareness of their plight. Video's like this are used to get people interested in helping them out.

If you would like to use music2work2 in a project - give us a shout

Background Music - Information w/e 9.8.11

Part of keeping on top of music2work2 means that Charlotte and I spend a little time every day curating a page over on on the effect of background music. We are interested in the psychology and science behind what is going on when we are listening to music and the positive effects that listening to music can have on seemingly every part of our lives.

We publish the latest stories using this groovy little widget. Click on any image or story that interests you...

$5 Freakshow

It has been a funky couple of days - fabulous fourth of July weekend down in Venice - playing guitar - watching the world go by - capturing audio here and there. I might work this up soon - it's about time some guitar made it into music2work2. The guitar track comes from the audioboo recording - lots more of them here - the keys come from this morning.