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Nicole's Picks

Get Over Your Hangover

Get Over Your Hangover

When my friend texted me Friday night, she informed me that we were to meet one another at 1p at the entrance of Lollapalooza festival the following day. “Haha, we’ll see," I replied, knowing full well that the likelihood of me meeting her at 1pm was slim to none. I was already three beers deep and my innocent feet had ALL the rhythm.

To Aid In My Recovery

To Aid In My Recovery

I always thought that I had a high tolerance for pain up until yesterday when I felt like waving the white flag and screaming, “I give up—I am done with this bullshit.” Never in all my adult years could I ever remember feeling that bad.

When a Fire Starts to Burn and It Starts to Spread

When a Fire Starts to Burn and It Starts to Spread

For the most part I have adapted quite well to my new life abroad, though from time to time I have moments where everything feels super surreal. Having done what I did—selling all my things and moving to another country without knowing anyone or the language—is crazy, sure—but it was my crazy dream and I did it!